Odpovíte: Holka. Možná uslyšíte otázku: A co tatínek není zklamaný? I kdyby byl, tak vás miluje a těší se na svého prvního potomka a žádné zklamání veřejně neprojevuje.
Odpovíte: My to nechceme vědět. Na vteřinu je tazatel zmatený. Tahle odpověď ho zaskočila. Ale vy to víte a nechcete to říkat, viď? Ne, nevíme a chceme se nechat překvapit. Ale jak to můžete vydržet? A jakou barvu oblečení kupujete?
Odpovíte: Víme, ale nepovíme. Jak můžete být vůči svému okolí tak krutá a nepodělit se o sladké tajemství pohlaví vašeho budoucího potomka s celým světem!?
Bez ohledu na vaši odpověď se strhne lavina babských rad, podle kterých zaručeně poznáte, že je to kluk nebo holka. A o tom příště.
Girl or boy?
That is the first question you will hear when you tell somebody that you are expecting a baby. Your answer doesn't matter. It will in any case lead to many more questions, which might not always be pleasant.
Answer: Boy. The person who is asking is usually pretty satisfied with such an answer, if it is your first child. But not if you already have one or more sons at home. It is usually followed by question: And didn't you want have a girl? Sure, we wanted, how can you arrange that?
Answer: Girl. You might hear question: And what about the father, isn't he disappointed? Even if he is disappointed, he loves you and he is looking forward to his first child and he doesn't show any disappointment openly.
Answer: We don't want to know. The inquirer is confused for a second. S/he didn't expected such answer. But you know the gender and you just don't want to say it, right? No, we don't know it and we want to be surprised. How can you stand it? And which color clothes do you buy?
Answer: We know it, but we don't want to tell anyone. How can you be so cruel and not share your sweet secret of the gender of your future descendant with the rest of the world!?
Regardless of your answer it will start an avalanche of the old-wives tales, that will certainly reveal to you whether it will be a girl or a boy. And that will be the next post.
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