Dnes něco z českých luhů a hájů a navíc od loni provařeného režiséra v mikině Roberta Sedláčka. Jeho film z roku 2011
Rodina je základ státu
stojí za vidění. Rodina si díky otci, který má lukrativní job v bance, žije celkem luxusně. Až jednoho dne přijde tatík domů a celou rodinu vytáhne na rodinný výlet. Ale jen on ví, že to není žádný výlet, ale útěk před policií, která ho hledá kvůli machinacím s penězi v zaměstnání. V roli otce září Igor Chmela a ve vedlejších rolích bývalých spolužáků z vysoké školy potom Simona Babčáková a Jiří Vyorálek.
Movie for the weekend
Today I will recommend you a Czech movie from the director Robert Sedláček who got "famous" last October when he attended the ceremony at the Prague Castle in a sweat shirt. The movie is called
Long Live The Family! (Rodina je základ státu)
and Sedláček made it in 2011. The family in the movie has thanks to a father, who works in a bank, pretty luxurious life. One day the father decides to take all of them for a family trip. And only he knows that it isn't a trip but an escape from the police who chases him because of some financial machinations at his work.
Today I will recommend you a Czech movie from the director Robert Sedláček who got "famous" last October when he attended the ceremony at the Prague Castle in a sweat shirt. The movie is called
Long Live The Family! (Rodina je základ státu)
and Sedláček made it in 2011. The family in the movie has thanks to a father, who works in a bank, pretty luxurious life. One day the father decides to take all of them for a family trip. And only he knows that it isn't a trip but an escape from the police who chases him because of some financial machinations at his work.
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